Isnt this pair of heels super gorgeous?? it's so simple yet so classy and pretty!!
the price is pretty as well tho!!
i want it so much but yea definitely after i get paid ..
hopefully somebody would hire me in semester 2.
I need money and experience !!

awesome cupcakes she brought along.. hehe
supposed to do my assignment but ended up chit chating with her for maybe 2-3 hours??
and i realli enjoyed the chatting session..
should come visit us again...probably after exam ?

went down to Sydney road to get some grocery and MACCAS
Babes love maccas as well !! just like all the little kids do =p
ended up having maccas for 2 continuous meals.
btw i gained weight !! gosh ...
but i believe i can loss the fats when im back in malaysia!
its less than 1 month time from now!! jiayou !!