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Sunday, July 15, 2012


Posted by Charlotte at 5:22 AM
It has been a while since I last updated.
After reading a frend's blog, i somehow feel the same with her especially when she talks about friendship, work and socialise. I copied her well written sentence and modified them into my situation now.

每个月都会有那么几天感觉低落 就像每个月都会来大姨妈一样准 
最近,我感觉很挫败于学术 这个学期我才考一门却拿了个 D 
我很挫败于交际 看到大家自如活络的游走于人群中谈笑风声 
我很挫败于友谊 我真诚低姿态的对待每个熟悉和陌生人 却还是一直分不清什么是逢场作戏和真性情 
我很挫败于工作我莫名其妙被说了一顿 我不气 只是觉得有些委屈 毕竟工作得来不易 我珍惜我努力我付出 却连个解释的机会/勇气也没有 我很挫败 #
I am in a dilemma now. I dont know which pathway i should take anymore.
Im not that determined to stay at here anymore.
I have lost my motivation.
I somehow wish that someone can give me pressure on my decision.
At least im not alone. I hate making decision.

Skin is still deterioating. i feel embarrassed to go out with my naked face or even with make up on.
what can i do ?

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